Blending botanical expertise, science and enjoyment

Bridging botanical expertise and delicious food experiences

Transform consumer needs into outstanding products with Givaudan’s botanical expertise and trusted natural ingredients. Backed by science, our safe and responsibly sourced ingredients can help you create new food and wellbeing experiences that deliver proactive health benefits and better nutrition.

The proof is in the science

Botanical expertise

We’ve specialised in developing botanical ingredients for health and wellbeing for more than 60 years. Our portfolio of natural, trusted ingredients is sustainably sourced and rigorously tested to verify origin and purity with the highest quality standards in the industry. With hundreds of employees specialising in botanicals, plus 8 manufacturing sites and 5 sourcing offices, we enable clean-label ingredients that benefit consumers, the environment, and local communities. 

Science & technology

We believe that the best products are backed by strong science and clinical validation. Our science and technology experts are constantly innovating to build safe, scientifically-studied, functional ingredients with proven health, wellbeing and nutritional benefits. From the latest technologies to our global regulatory expertise and our multidisciplinary scientific experts, we support natural, healthy living and enable proactive health. 

Enjoyable food experiences

Our holistic knowledge of taste, colours and texture can help you develop delicious "better for you" products that consumers love. Looking for inspiration? Harness our expertise and advanced proprietary tools to develop innovative food and wellbeing experiences.

The latest consumer insights

The strength of Givaudan’s solutions grows naturally from a deep understanding of consumer needs and the health and wellness benefits they seek. Combined with our expertise in botanicals and co-creation, it’s the perfect recipe for outstanding products to delight your customers.

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Your health & nutrition partner

60 years
specialising in botanicals for health
authorised health claims
clinical studies
patent families
manufacturing sites
This web page is intended to provide business-to-business education and information. Its purpose is not intended to communicate to end consumers. Ingredient information is for educational purposes only; specific ingredients are not intended to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure any disease states. The information provided may or may not be applicable to, or satisfy, all regulatory requirements for all global regions. Specific regulatory requirements must be evaluated to ensure compliance within the individual countries and regions.