The science behind TurmiPure Gold™

The clinically proven ingredient for effective recovery

Backed by science, TurmiPure Gold™ offers clinically proven health benefits for muscle recovery and sports performance.

of participants perceived less post-exercise muscle soreness & discomfort.⁶
improved muscle strength recovery after 24 hr. vs. placebo.²

Reduced post-exercise muscle soreness for faster recovery

Symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage are well documented in the scientific literature.⁷ Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a common symptom of muscle damage due to sport for elite and novice athletes alike. Symptoms can range from muscle tenderness to severe soreness.⁷ DOMS is experienced daily from countless sport enthusiasts around the world. Muscle damage can lead to a prolonged reduction in muscle function and negatively impact performance.⁷   There is a growing library of scientific literature demonstrating that turmeric may help enhance recovery after exercise.⁸ In a randomised, double-blind, placebo control clinical study conducted in 2022, 45 healthy subjects aged 25-45 years consumed 300 mg of TurmiPure Gold™ or a placebo for five days. Among the TurmiPure Gold™ group, a statistically significant improvement in post-exercise muscle soreness recovery vs. placebo was observed. Meanwhile, in only 24 hours subjects in the TurmiPure Gold™ group realised significant improvements in strength loss, working capacity loss and maintained peak power performance vs. placebo.

Feeling the benefits⁶

Results of a real-world evidence home-use consumer perception test conducted in 2023 of 108 participants (moderately active men and women 20 to 50 years old who participate in sport / exercise activities three days per week with one intense session per week) showed that after two weeks consumption of TurmiPure Gold™:

  1. 76% of the users were satisfied with TurmiPure Gold™
  2. 71% experienced less post-exercise muscle soreness & discomfort after taking TurmiPure Gold™
  3. 57% perceived an improvement in physical performance
  4. 62% felt less physical fatigue
  5. 69% would recommend to another
  6. 79% felt it was better than or equal to products previously used
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Data from IBS population suggests support for healthy gut function

In a randomised, cross over, double blind clinical trial with 18 participants with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, 3 days supplementation with 300 mg of TurmiPure Gold™ was shown to reduce markers of gut permeability and related dyslipidemia after a high-fat challenge.⁹

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Health Claims

Health Canada Claims supported by High Quality Science.³


"Source of/Provides antioxidants"


"Source of/Provides bioavailable curcuminoids for use as antioxidants"


"Source of/Provides curcuminoids with enhanced bioavailability for use as antioxidants"

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