Prebiotic support for the gut microbiome

Oat fibre contributes to improved gut health by increasing faecal bulk, but there’s more to the story. OatWell™ oat bran fibre has prebiotic effects, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria. These bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids like butyrate and propionate, which have been associated with anti-inflammatory, and cholesterol-lowering properties.²⁰

What is a prebiotic?

Prebiotics are substrates that are selectively utilised by host microorganisms that confer a health benefit. Simply put, they are food for beneficial microbes that live in the human gut. These microbes can produce short chain fatty acids, which are considered beneficial compounds. Most prebiotics are dietary fibres, but not all dietary fibres are prebiotics. Many prebiotic fibres are soluble and some are insoluble.¹¹

The prebiotic effects of oat bran fibre have been validated through years of research. In a review by Malkki and Virtanen, they cite: “in the large bowel, soluble dietary fibre increases the fermentation activity, especially production of butyric acid, enhances growth and colonisation of some probiotic bacterial strains, increases production of microbial mass and thereby aids the removal of nitrogen via faeces. It also increases wet weight of stools, thereby alleviating constipation”.²¹

Research conducted on oat beta-glucan demonstrates that it meets three important criteria, confirming its status as a prebiotic fibre:¹ ²

  • helps produce Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs): acetate, propionate and butyrate³
  • increases lactic acid as well as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli³
  • increases faecal bulk and promotes proper gut function⁴
By nurturing the gut microbiome, OatWell™ is an ideal ally for creating healthy and delightful food experiences that optimize wellbeing from within.
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