The science behind OatWell™

Benefits backed by powerful science and claims

For over 30 years, we've developed innovative oat products backed by active research projects. Much of Givaudan’s work has focused on proving the health benefits of oat beta-glucans. OatWell™ is the product of our commitment to delivering premium value to our customers through rigorous science.

years of research and development excellence
scientific publications since 1996

Well-established benefits for heart and glycaemic health

It’s no accident that consumers associate oats with heart health. Clinical evidence supports the ability of oat beta-glucan to reduce cholesterol¹⁷, which is a risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease⁵. In addition, numerous studies have shown that consuming oat beta-glucan is an effective way to maintain healthy blood sugar (or glucose) levels⁷.

Oat beta-glucan is thought to play a key role in reducing postprandial glycaemic and insulinemic responses by increasing the viscosity of the content of the upper gut¹⁸, which may reduce the rate of starch digestion thus delaying absorption of carbohydrates.

Authorised health claims in Europe and the USA

The large body of research has paved the way for several health claims related to OatWell™. The FDA claims recognise beta-glucan as a source of dietary fibre, and as an ingredient which supports both gut and heart health. Similarly, the European Commission has authorised claims related to fibre, cholesterol maintenance, blood glucose and gut health⁴ ⁵.

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Strengthening the microbiome

Research suggests that the benefits of oat beta-glucan may stem from its role as a prebiotic fibre, supporting the microbiome. The soluble fibre present in oats selectively feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut and supports a diverse and balanced microbiome.⁶ ¹⁹

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