The science behind Glucevia™

Glucevia™ – clinically shown to support healthy blood glucose

Glucevia™ is a patented extract derived exclusively from the samara of Fraxinus angustifolia . Using a traditional extraction process, we were the first to develop a unique, patented extract standardised to 10% total nuzhenide and GL3.(11) Nuzehnide and GL3 are naturally occurring Fraxinus compounds associated with healthy blood glucose management.²

Two double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials have demonstrated its ability to support healthy blood glucose levels.² ³

decrease in blood glucose after 3 weeks²
decrease in post prandial blood glucose³

Significant reductions in blood glucose, after a meal

In the first clinical study with 16 healthy people, there was a significant 9% decrease in glycaemic area under the blood glucose curve (AUC) after consumption of Glucevia™ compared to placebo³. These findings suggest that Glucevia™ supports the uptake of glucose from the blood into the liver and muscle cells.³

Long-term glycaemic control

The significant benefits of longer-term use of Glucevia™ were demonstrated in a 2014 study in elderly, non-diabetic, overweight/obese people.² Three weeks of taking Glucevia™ resulted in a significant 28% reduction in blood glucose, compared to a non-significant reduction of 8% with a placebo. The researchers also found:

  • A significant reduction in blood levels of fructosamine in the Glucevia™ group. Fructosamine is regarded by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as a relevant indicator of long-term glucose control¹², and it’s the most widely used alternative to HbA1c
  • A significant fall in blood glucose two hours after taking Glucevia™ compared to placebo. The World Health Organization cites the two-hour blood glucose value as one of the key indicators of impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes¹³
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Awarded a product-specific health claim

Glucevia™ has been awarded a proprietary, product-specific health claim from Health Canada: “May support healthy glucose metabolism in combination with a healthy diet."¹⁴

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Awarded a product-specific health claim

Glucevia™ has been awarded a proprietary, product-specific health claim from Health Canada: “May support healthy glucose metabolism in combination with a healthy diet."¹⁴

This web page is intended to provide business-to-business education and information. Its purpose is not intended to communicate to end consumers. Ingredient information is for educational purposes only; specific ingredients are not intended to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure any disease states. The information provided may or may not be applicable to, or satisfy, all regulatory requirements for all global regions. Specific regulatory requirements must be evaluated to ensure compliance within the individual countries and regions.