Flowens™ is the only cranberry ingredient that is clinically proven to work for both men and women. It has delivered results in high-quality published studies for both LUTS in men⁵ and OAB in women⁶.
The gold-standard scientific research carried out on Flowens™ sets it apart from alternative cranberry solutions because the effects of alternative cranberry solutions are not substantiated. In contrast the efficacy of Flowens™ has been recognized with multiple health claims.⁷ ⁸
In a randomised, double-blind, clinical study in 2015, 122 men consumed 250 mg of Flowens™, 500 mg of Flowens™ or a placebo for six months. Researchers used the IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) to evaluate the severity of their lower urinary tract symptoms. Among the 250 mg group, a statistically significant and clinically relevant 3.1 drop in IPSS was recorded. And for men taking 500 mg of Flowens™, the reduction in symptom severity was even greater (4.1 points). Additionally Flowens™ also induced a significant increase in both average and maximum urinary flow rate.⁵
In a randomised, double-blind study, 60 women with Overactive Bladder received 500 mg of Flowens™ or a placebo daily for six months. Flowens™ was shown to significantly reduce the number of urination episodes per day, with subjects taking it reporting two fewer urination breaks (medically referred to as micturition) per day than those in the placebo group (-17%). It also reduced the number of urgent episodes, the most bothersome symptom, by almost three per day (-48%).¹⁰
Furthermore, Flowens™ significantly improved patient perception of bladder condition (PBBC) scores, with a 41% improvement vs baseline. ¹⁰ The PPBC is an important measure of one’s bladder condition at the moment ranging from ‘My bladder condition does not cause me any problems at all', to 'My bladder condition causes me many severe problems.'
2015: Health Canada, granted Flowens™ a National Product Number authorizing it to make six claims relating to LUTS in men. In 2022 this was updated to allow seven claims relating to OAB in women.³
2015: Flowens™ has been granted the claim: “Helps in the treatment of mild to moderate symptoms of lower urinary tract (LUTS) in men.”⁴
500 mg of Flowens™ can carry a US FDA-qualified health claim relating to reducing the risk of recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) in healthy women.⁵