The science behind Ellirose™

A hibiscus ingredient for urinary tract health supported by patents

According to the NIH, issues associated with urinary health can disrupt day-to-day life. When people have urinary health issues, they may limit social interactions and have a harder time getting tasks done at home or at work. Treatment for urinary health issues may include behavioral and lifestyle changes, exercises and others.² Dietary supplementation may help support urinary comfort. In a category dominated by cranberry products, Ellirose™ offers a unique mechanism to support urinary tract health. Cranberry has an anti-adhesion action, minimizing the binding of_ E. coli_ to the bladder wall and therefore inhibiting its ability to infect the mucosal cells of the urinary tract.³ Conversely, the hibiscus extract used in Ellirose™ demonstrates inhibitory activity on _E. coli_ ¹ ⁴, which is complementary to the anti-adhesion activity of cranberry ingredients.

reduction in urinary symptoms after 3 months⁴
reduction in urinary symptoms after 6 months⁴

Strong and rapid inhibitory activity

In vitro studies have shown that dried Hibiscus sabdariffa calyx – the leafy casing that protects the flower bud – demonstrates strong and rapid inhibitory activity in vitro against E.coli. In just 24 hours, the E.coli content of the growth medium was reduced by 5 log.⁴ It’s also been found to work as an inhibitory agent against Candida albicans, which is a common cause of urinary discomfort.⁵

Reduction in frequency of urinary discomfort

A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted in forty women ages 26-48 with a history of recurrent urinary discomfort.⁴ Women who consumed 200 mg of Ellirose™ daily showed a significant decrease of 56% in urinary symptoms compared to the three months before the study started (p<0.01). Over a period of six months, the efficacy of Ellirose™ was further enhanced, as signified by a decrease in the incidence of symptoms of 89% (p<0.01).

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