The science behind Cyracos™

Clinically proven to support sleep and relaxation

Cyracos™ is a standardised lemon balm leaf extract with clinically proven benefits for sleep and relaxation at a consumer-friendly dose of 600 mg a day. The World Health Organization defines stress as a natural state of worry or mental tension caused by difficult situations.⁸ A clinical study on Cyracos™ measured the effects of the ingredient on symptoms of stress such as mild anxiety and sleep quality.²

reduction in anxiety symptoms²
reduction in insomnia symptoms²

Tapping into the GABA pathway

Lemon balm extract has been shown to improve mood by affecting stress levels and mild anxiety,² ⁹ in particular through the action of its rosmarinic acid on the gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) pathway.¹³ GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human central nervous system,¹⁰ with low levels associated with mild anxiety.¹¹ Rosmarinic acid is a naturally occurring phenolic compound in lemon balm leaf¹² and a potent inhibitor of GABA transaminase (GABA-T). Inhibition of GABA-T increases GABA levels in the brain.¹³ Cyracos™ has a broad spectrum of actives, including a standardised level of >7% rosmarinic acid and >14% hydroxycinnamic acid, which are both natural polyphenolic compounds associated with effects on sleep and relaxation.¹⁴

Influencing mood, reducing symptoms of anxiety, improving sleep quality

In a prospective, single-center, open-label study in 2011, 20 adults diagnosed with mild to moderate anxiety and sleep disturbances consumed 300 mg of Cyracos™ twice a day for 15 days.²

Cyracos™ was found to significantly reduce (as compared to baseline):

  • anxiety symptoms by 18%
  • insomnia by 42%

Furthermore, clinical ratings revealed that 95% of the participants responded positively to Cyracos™ supplementation. The study also demonstrated that Cyracos™ was well tolerated, with no side effects. While the results of this small study are promising, more research is warranted.

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Multiple health claims from Health Canada

Given the clinical evidence for its effects on sleep and relaxation, Cyracos™ has been granted three health claims from Health Canada : ● “Traditionally used in herbal medicine as a sleep aid (in cases of restlessness or insomnia due to mental stress)” ● “Traditionally used in herbal medicine to help promote sleep during periods of restlessness or insomnia due to mental stress” ● “Traditionally used in herbal medicine to help reduce insomnia, a symptom of stress”
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Multiple health claims from Health Canada¹⁵

Given the clinical evidence for its effects on sleep and relaxation, Cyracos™ has been granted three health claims from Health Canada¹⁵:

“Traditionally used in herbal medicine as a sleep aid (in cases of restlessness or insomnia due to mental stress)”

“Traditionally used in herbal medicine to help promote sleep during periods of restlessness or insomnia due to mental stress”

“Traditionally used in herbal medicine to help reduce insomnia, a symptom of stress”

This web page is intended to provide business-to-business education and information. Its purpose is not intended to communicate to end consumers. Ingredient information is for educational purposes only; specific ingredients are not intended to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure any disease states. This information is not intended to be used in final consumer products and any use or reference of the intellectual property of Givaudan in the final product may only be made with Givaudan’s prior written permission. The information provided may or may not be applicable to, or satisfy, all regulatory requirements for all global regions. Specific regulatory requirements must be evaluated to ensure compliance within the individual countries and regions.