Unique properties to deliver unmatched benefits from oats

For over 30 years, OatWell™ has been researched to develop innovative oat products. Much of our work has focused on proving the health benefits of oat beta-glucans in order to deliver premium value to our customers.

A unique nutritional profile

Generally considered healthier and more nutritious than the other main cereals, oats offer a full range of benefits in a single ingredient. OatWell™ can be provided in three different concentrations of beta-glucans, all delivering both soluble and insoluble fibres, along with an average of 21% - 23% protein.

A proprietary production process

OatWell™ uses a unique production process to fractionate the oat kernel into three product lines: beta-glucan products, oat flours, and oat oils. Our production process preserves the native structure of oat beta-glucans, retaining their high molecular weight during fractionation into oat brans with a high amount of beta-glucans.

The importance of high molecular weight

The molecular weight of oat beta-glucan is essential to delivering health benefits. OatWell™'s beta-glucan has a very high molecular weight (2000-2500 kDa as naturally found in oats), which contributes to its unique viscosity and thickening properties. This viscosity has an important impact on physiological functions, such as reducing blood cholesterol levels, moderating blood glucose and insulin levels, and potentially benefiting satiety.

Benefits of OatWell’s high molecular weight:

  • Ability to effectively reduce cholesterol and maintain healthy blood sugar levels compared to low molecular weight alternatives
  • High viscosity – thickening properties
  • Excellent water-binding properties
  • Potential to replace fat in product formulations
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