Flowens™ Responsible Sourcing

Working together to transform the value chain

At Givaudan, we are committed to sourcing all materials and services in a way that protects both people and the environment by 2030. We collaborate with our cranberry suppliers to ensure trust and compliance across our entire supply chain. We’ve been sourcing cranberry for more than two decades. Along the way, we’ve built strong relationships with partners across the United States (Wisconsin, Oregon, Washington, and Massachusetts states) and Canada (Quebec). Together we’re committed to continually improving our sustainability practices.

‘’We ensure best in class cranberry quality and service thanks to our long term partnerships with our growers.’’

Dan Souza,
Global product manager branded ingredients

Our Commitment

Supporting the hydrological needs of the vines

The environment where our cranberry grows provides a diverse habitat for numerous animal and plant species. And for every acre of our cranberry production, an average of six acres of support land remains undeveloped to support the hydrological needs of the vines.

Reducing the use of pesticides and fertilisers

We are working closely with our growing partners to provide the best cranberry varieties on the market. Our partners are reducing the use of pesticides and fertilisers and increasing the yield per acre in order to limit the expansion of cultivated areas.

Managing water use

Our cranberries grow in dry fields called bogs. In winter – to protect the vines from the elements – our growing partners flood the bogs, and a layer of ice forms. Then in spring, new buds emerge, and the growing season begins in earnest. Throughout the growing season, the farmers recycle water as much as possible and re-use it from bog to bog – or even from farm to farm – before returning it to nature.

Working in partnership with our growers

For decades, our cranberry suppliers have organised growers' associations and co-operatives, which are involved in all governance issues, including sustainability. We have also engaged into long-term agreements with selected partners to offer them a secure and fair-priced outlet for their crop volumes for the years to come. These long-term partnerships enable us to work with our growers to continually improve quality and agricultural practices in order to reach best-in-class sustainable ways of working. By working together, we ensure all our suppliers share our commitment to responsible sourcing. So you benefit not only from high-quality products, but the knowledge that we are driving tangible impacts across our value chains.


Why Givaudan?
Botanical expertise
Explore our trusted, natural ingredients–sustainably sourced with rigorous quality control.
Science & technology
Innovate with our science-backed ingredients with proven health, wellbeing and nutritional benefits.
Enjoyable food experiences
Create unique products with the right taste, colour, texture and functional ingredients.
The latest consumer insights
Transform consumer needs into outstanding products.
Discover more
This web page is intended to provide business-to-business education and information. Its purpose is not intended to communicate to end consumers. Ingredient information is for educational purposes only; specific ingredients are not intended to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure any disease states. This information is not intended to be used in final consumer products and any use or reference of the intellectual property of Givaudan in the final product may only be made with Givaudan’s prior written permission. The information provided may or may not be applicable to, or satisfy, all regulatory requirements for all global regions. Specific regulatory requirements must be evaluated to ensure compliance within the individual countries and regions.